Saturday, January 12, 2013

Response to Kafka's The Metamorphosis & Vocabulary List.

As I began to read, The Metamorphosis, by Kafka, I immediately associated it's style as Surrealist. The strange and dreamlike context, as well as with the eerie feeling of one being trapped, brought me to this conclusion; as Gregor experiences helplessness and isolation, I felt as though I too, experienced his desperate sentiment. Another element, which made Gregor's current state appear as though only a dream, is his overall calm persona, towards the tragic events that unfold; he does not seem to concern himself with why he is suddenly, a sort of animal or insect, but only muddles over how he may achieve his daily duties. As I preceded into this text, I began to question what conclusion or idea was being addressed; I expected Gregor to wake from his horrific transformation and reunite with his beloved sister Grete and his parents, while internalizing the true reason of why he worked endlessly to support their well being and happiness. As I neared the end of this piece and it's state of afairs only decline, I began to except that my own prediction, was not what the writter wished to convey; therefore, I searched for another conclusion. Reading the final paragraph, I noticed that the concern over Grete's own growth, into a beautiful young woman, suddenly becomes the central subject. As I thought back to earlier passages, which describes Grete as a naive young girl, whose parents think little of, concerning maturity, I drew the conclusion that Kafka's, The Metamorphasis, is not soley concerned with the absurd transformation of Gregor, but also of the transformation of Grete and further, Gregor's parents. During the months of Gregor's tragic condition, the family is pushed to the edge of their limits; Grete is forced to take on the responsibility of Gregor, so that her weak mother will not exert her fagile condition. Both Gregor's father and mother, as well as Grete, must acquire employment, to provide a livelihood. To make ends meet, the family is further forced to give away and sacrafice personal items, as well as share their home with unfriendly boarders. While during this time period, Gregor's family appears to be at their weakest, I believe it allows them to become stronger and as the smoke clears, are able to come out transformed and self-sufficient. Whether this transformation, is indeed an ideal intended by Kafka, it is nonetheless significant of a metamorphosis that is brought about by unimaginable conditions.

Diminutive: Small or tiny

Premonition: A feeling of anticipation or anxiety over a future event

Amelioration: (Ameliorate) To become better or to improve

Asphyxiation: To choke or sufficate

Admonitions: (Admonishing) To counsel, advise or warn

Manic: Frenzied or frantic

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